example. Thirdly, our study focused on the drivers of perceived destructive acts in network
structure and channel relationship; in future studies, we anticipate exploring additional key
factors to facilitate a more nuanced understanding, as has been demonstrated by Holmlund-
Rytkönen and Strandvik (2005) and Seggie et al. (2013). Finally, the measurement of several
constructs in this study was not high in quality for a survey method, like previous studies by
Brown et al. (2006) and Samaha et al. (2011). Although the scale is not easy, the validity of
measurement variables should be improved in future research.
5. Originality/Contribution
This study focused on the perceptions and responses regarding destructive behaviors
from the perspective of manufacturers, in contrast to most previous studies which have
adopted the perspective of distributors. The damaging of interfirm relationships is a
considerably complex behavioral event, and using various theoretical perspectives in this
study leads to better interpretations than using a single perspective. This study adopted an
initial exploratory design by conducting a case study and subsequently analyzing the
information to develop a survey instrument. The combination of qualitative and quantitative
data constitutes a triangulation design and provides a better understanding of the research
problem and a more comprehensive generalization.