Page 5 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第2期
P. 5

Editor’s Note

                   First of all, NTU Management Review wholeheartedly invites Prof. Chih-Ping Wei (魏
               志平), a distinguished scholar from Department of Information Management in College
               of Management, National Taiwan University, as our Associate Editor. Prof. Wei excels in
               the following research areas: data mining and machine learning, information retrieval and
               text mining, social media analysis, patent intelligence, and health information analysis.
                   In recent years, NTU Management Review has been actively and continuously
               hosting academic conferences even under the severe global pandemic of COVID-19. After
               thorough planning for approximately twelve months, we have mapped out and announced

               a publishing project, a special issue entitled “Case Study on Digital Transformation and
               Value Creation.” Through in-depth investigation into issues that either enterprises or
               non-profit organizations are confronting with when implementing digital transformation,
               we aim to help the academia untangle the complexities of this ongoing trend, and
               cultivate knowledge and power for long-term studies on digital transformation and value
               creation. NTU Management Review welcomes submissions of case study research papers
               tackling original topics with rigorous approaches and making contribution to analytical
               developments or practical impactions. A conference under the same title is tentatively
               scheduled in February, 2023.
                   To appreciate those who have been dedicated to academic services, NTU Management
               Review holds “NTU Management Review Best Reviewer Award” from 2022. Based on the
               reviewing records of each referee within Years 2020-2021, the award committee elects two
               awardees in terms of the quality of written comments, as well as whether the reviews are
               provided in a timely manner. Every year, each awardee is going to be presented a trophy in

               public to honor his or her academic contribution.
                   As always, our appreciation goes out to the Research Institute for the Humanities and
               Social Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan(行政院科技部人
               文社會科學研究中心)for sponsoring our editorial personnel, who have been providing
               invaluable assistance to both the conferences and the publication, and subsidy of open
               access and digital spread.
                   Last but not the least, we would like to thank T. N. Soong Foundation for their
               continuous strong support. To encourage research efforts in accounting, auditing, finance,
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