
66 The Influences of Leaders’ Negative Implicit Followership Theories on Employees’Work Behaviors: A DualPathway Model Table 2 Descriptive Statistics, Reliabilities, and Correlations among Variables Variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Control Variables 1. Employee Sex 0.38 .49 - -.23** .26** -.06 -.04 -.05 -.04 .04 -.05 .04 .04 2. Employee Age 26.88 3.35 -.20** - .05 .07 -.11 .03 -.07 -.13 .14* .04 -.03 3. Employee Organizational Tenure 0.93 1.90 .23** .24** - .11 -.01 .07 -.07 .05 .12 -.01 .08 4. Leaders’ PIFTs 4.02 .80 -.11 .14 -.02 (.95) -.32** -.09 .06 -.08 .10 .04 .04 Main Research Variables 5. Leaders’ NIFTs 2.18 .90 -.01 -.15* -.05 -.17* (.88) .29** -.14* .15* -.18* -.06 -.09 6. Abusive Supervision 2.09 .86 -.06 .00 .04 -.09 .27** (.97) -.38** .32** -.17* -.21** -.17* 7. LMX 4.06 .66 -.09 -.05 -.03 .08 -.15* -.31** (.95) -.19** .45** .23** .25** 8. Negative Mood 2.67 .90 .06 -.15* -.15* -.06 .11 .33** -.21** (.92) -.21** -.20** -.14* 9. Psychological Empowerment 3.74 .61 -.05 .16* .05 .07 -.16* -.09 .48** -.23** (.91) .29** .32** 10. Service Performance 4.07 .71 .02 .05 -.01 .07 -.09 -.16* .26** -.22** .32** (.95) .73** 11. Altruistic Behavior toward Colleagues 4.02 .79 -.02 .04 .01 .02 -.10 -.11 .28** -.19** .34** .73** (.95) Note: N = 210. Sex (0 = male, 1 = female) is a dummy variable. PIFTs are positive implicit followership theories. NIFTs are negative implicit followership theories. LMX is leader-member exchange. Pearson correlation coefficients are presented in the lower triangle and Spearman correlation coefficients are presented in the upper triangle. Coefficient alphas appear in parentheses on the diagonal. * p < .05. ** p < .01.