
NTU Management Rev i ew Vol . 31 No. 3 Dec. 2021, 47-84 DOI:10.6226/NTUMR.202112_31(3).0002 47 The Influences of Leaders’ Negative Implicit Followership Theories on Employees’ Work Behaviors: A Dual-Pathway Model 領導者之負向內隱部屬理論對員工工作行為之影響:雙路 徑模式 Hsin-Hua Hsiung, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University 熊欣華/ 國立臺灣大學心理學系 Chia-Ju Lee, Department of Food and Beverage Management, Shih Chien University 李佳如 / 實踐大學餐飲管理學系 Received 2020/3, Final revision received 2021/4 Abstract Drawing on affective event theory and psychological empowerment theory, we investigate how, through an emotional process and a work-cognition process, leaders’ Negative Implicit Followership Theories (NIFTs) affect employees’ psychological status and their service performance and altruistic behavior toward colleagues. We propose that leaders’ NIFTs influence not only employees themselves but also the parties with whom employees interact. We test our theoretical model by using multisource data from 210 frontline service employees, their direct supervisors, and their colleagues. Our results show that through the serial mediation of abusive supervision and employees’ negative mood, leaders’ NIFTs decrease employees’ service performance but do not decrease their altruistic behavior toward colleagues. Furthermore, our results show that through the serial mediation of leader-member exchange (LMX) and employees’ psychological empowerment, leaders’ NIFTs decrease both employees’ service performance and altruistic behavior toward colleagues. 【Keywords】 implicit followership theory, negative mood, psychological empowerment, service performance, altruistic behavior toward colleagues 摘 要 本研究以情感事件理論與心理授權理論為基礎,探討領導者的負向內隱部屬理論如何 經由情緒歷程和工作認知歷程而影響到員工心理狀態,以及他們的服務績效和對同事 的利他行為。本研究認為領導者的負向內隱部屬理論不僅影響員工本身,也對員工的 互動對象具影響效果。本研究使用多來源資料,以210組第一線服務人員及其直屬主 管與同事進行問卷調查以驗證理論模型。研究結果顯示,經由不當督導和員工負向心 情之連續中介,領導者的負向內隱部屬理論降低了員工的服務績效,但未顯著降低對 同事的利他行為。此外,經由領導者―部屬交換關係和員工的心理授權之連續中介, 領導者的負向內隱部屬理論會降低員工的服務績效與對同事的利他行為。 【關鍵字】內隱部屬理論、負向心情、心理授權、服務績效、對同事的利他行為 領域主編:黃家齊教授