
NTU Management Rev i ew Vol . 31 No. 3 Dec. 2021, 1-46 DOI:10.6226/NTUMR.202112_31(3).0001 1 Sex and Gender Role Orientation on the Work-Family Interface: Testing Three-Way Interactions 生理性別、性別角色取向在職家互動的作用:三階調節效 果的檢驗 Luo Lu, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University 陸洛/ 國立臺灣大學工商管理學系 Ting-Ting Chang, Department of Industrial Management, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology 張婷婷/ 龍華科技大學工業管理系 Shu-Fan Kao, Department of Applied Psychology, Hsuan Chuang University 高旭繁 / 玄奘大學應用心理學系 Received 2019/10, Final revision received 2021/3 Abstract From the perspective of gender role orientation, we examined the joint interactive effects of gender role orientation and biological sex on the work and family interface. We conducted a two-wave survey involving 276 employees working in different organizations of diverse industries across Taiwan. After controlling for traditional gender role values, we found significant three-way interactions (sex × gender role orientation × family responsibility) in predicting the bidirectional work and family conflict. Specifically, for men, high femininity strengthened the positive relationships between family responsibility and work-to-family conflict as well as between family responsibility and family-to-work conflict. For women, however, it was low femininity that strengthened the same sets of relationships. Our findings suggest that certain types of non-traditional gender identities (e.g. men endorsing high femininity traits and women endorsing low femininity traits) increase the adjustment challenges for both sexes, especially in a transitional society. Researchers should recognize the differences between the individual’s socially prescribed gender role and his/her psychological gender identity, so as to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of men’s and women’s lived experiences on the work and family interface. 【Keywords】 gender, sex, gender role orientation, work/family demands, work/family conflict 摘 要 本研究採性別角色取向理論的視角,檢視個人之性別特質認同與生理性別在職家介面 上的交互影響。我們對276位各行各業的工作者進行了兩階段的問卷調查,在控制了 與職家角色相關之傳統價值觀後,發現「生理性別」、「性別角色取向」及「家庭責任」 之三階交互作用能顯著預測雙向的職家衝突。在男性群體中,高女性化特質會強化「家 庭責任與工作對家庭衝突」及「家庭責任與家庭對工作衝突」之間的關係;但在女性 領域主編:黃家齊教授