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chance of success for a social media listening project. Second, in addition to opinion

sentence identification, many essential opinion mining tasks remain (e.g., opinion orientation

determination and opinion searching). The proposed semi-supervised learning concept can

be easily extended to support other opinion mining tasks.

Nonetheless, several limitations of this study must be acknowledged. First, only one

data set is employed to evaluate the performance of the R-OSI technique. To increase the

reliability of the evaluation results, it is essential to collect additional data sets from diverse

sources. Second, the traditional association rule mining algorithm with minimum support and

minimum confidence as interest measures is adopted to learn the opinion sentence

identification rules. Some novel interest measures or extended association rule mining

algorithms are proposed in the literature. Extending the R-OSI technique to novel designs

represents a compelling future research direction. Finally, only the task of opinion sentence

identification was addressed in this study. The concept of the R-OSI technique must be

applied to other vital opinion mining tasks such as opinion orientation determination.

5. Originality/Contribution

Most relevant studies have adopted either a supervised learning or an unsupervised

learning approach for the target opinion sentence identification task. A supervised learning

approach generally demonstrates higher performance but requires manual preparation of

training data. By contrast, an unsupervised learning approach requires no time- or labor-

consuming process for preparing training data at the cost of lower identification

effectiveness. Therefore, this study proposes a semi-supervised learning approach. The

R-OSI technique can achieve comparable or even higher performance than that from using a

supervised learning approach without the need for preparing training data. Only some (one to

three in this study) keywords are provided by the user. The cognitive effort of keyword

preparation should be lower than that of training data preparation. This represents the major

contribution and novelty of this study to the literature on opinion mining. Furthermore, the

R-OSI technique has additional advantages. First, it can identify opinion sentences with

implicit product features. Second, the R-OSI technique can group opinion sentences with

different product feature synonyms into the same category.