The Association between Organizational Change Strategy and Change Agent's Cognition Model

Ye, K. D., and Chu, C. M. 2003. The Association between Organizational Change Strategy and Change Agent's Cognition Model. NTU Management Review, 13 (2): 199-232

Kung-Don Ye, Department of Shipping and Transporatation Management, National Taiwan Ocean University
Chen-Ming Chu, Department of Business Administration, Chung Yuan Christian University


This paper is to find out the factors that would be influential to the change agent's schema and the association between change agent's schema and his strategy. 1000 of 1500 ISO certified companies were sampled, each company received one copy of supervisor questionnaire and five copies of employee questionnaire and 146 companies went through the process. By conducting regression analysis, most of the hypotheses were verified. When the change agent is influential in his position, he would be inclined to form a content oriented, future oriented and outside environment oriented schema to screen the cues of organizational information, The association between change agent's schema and his change strategy is also contingent with the environmental situations. Under cynicism atmosphere, change agent with outside environment oriented schema would be more likely to adopt a revolutional change strategy than his counterparts. As the environment is dynamic and turbulent, a future oriented change agent would be more likely to adopt a radical and institutional change strategy.  


Organizational change Schema Organizational change strategy

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