Straight into Your Heart: The Effect of Live-Streaming E-Commerce on Consumer Engagement

Wu, Y. X., and Lee, Y. C. 2022. Straight into Your Heart: The Effect of Live-Streaming E-Commerce on Consumer Engagement. NTU Management Review, 32 (1): 93-126.

Yu-Xian Wu, Institute of Marketing Communication, National Sun Yat-sen University
Ya-Ching Lee, Institute of Marketing Communication, National Sun Yat-sen University


This study aims to examine the impact of live-streaming e-commerce on customer engagement through identification. Through analyzing results of an online survey, we discover that parasocial relationships and self-verification generated by live streaming e-commerce positively affected identity, further leading to the enhancement of customer engagement. In addition, the moderating effect of fear of missing out is significant. This study offers a comprehensive understanding of the psychological mechanism of live-streaming e-commerce viewers by exploring relationships among psychological factors,identity, and customer engagement. It fills the research gaps and expands the scope in researching the live-streaming of e commerce. It also extends social identity theory to the field of live-streaming e commerce.  


fear of missing outidentificationlive-streaming e-commerceparasocial relationshipsself-verification

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
