An Exploratory Study on the Interaction Patterns of Information System Project Team Members

Wang, M. H., and Yeh, Q. J. 2004. An Exploratory Study on the Interaction Patterns of Information System Project Team Members. NTU Management Review, 14 (2): 079-108

Mei-Hsiang Wang, Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, Southern Taiwan University of Technology
Quey-Jen Yeh, Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Cheng-Kung University


The Information System (IS) development process is an interaction process among team members. The study attempts to find out various interaction patterns among developers during IS development. The case-study identifies fourteen interaction patterns. Seven of them are "people-oriented", including encouragement and consideration, respecting others, experience sharing, social activities, team collaboration, communication and coordination, and supporting others. Three are "task-oriented", including norm orientation, user orientation and specialization orientation. The rest are "self-oriented." These are working alone, insisting on self-opinion, selfishness, and no sense of responsibility. According to the result, this research concludes three propositions for the future quantitative study.


IS development Project team member Interaction pattern Context analysis

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
