The Differences between the Value Systems of Administrators in Different Organizations, and the Factors Worth Considering which Influence the Ethics of a Decision-Making Process

Wu, C. F. 1995. The Differences between the Value Systems of Administrators in Different Organizations, and the Factors Worth Considering which Influence the Ethics of a Decision-Making Process. NTU Management Review, 6 (2): 135-158

Chen-Fong Wu, Department of Business Management and Graduate Institute of Management Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.


The purpose of this research is to explore that in different professions administrators will perform their ethical values differently and the factors worth considering which influence the ethics will be when they are making decisions. By understanding those problems, we expect to help organizational administrators to understand throughly about the considerable factors toward ethical problems in a decision-making process. Furthermore, the administrators can control the factors reasonably and efficiently, can aid the excercise of ethical behavior within the organization and, finally, can make the foundation of the business ethics. First, we collected and analyzed both foreign and domestic literature, selecting appropriate metods for measuring values, and inducing the kinds of ethical problems found in the latest decision-making sensations. Second, based on those factors, the researchers designed a questionnaire with different decision-making situations. This research focused on about hundred and fifty administrators, ranking among high, middle, and low levels, specifically in the professions of manufacturing industry, service-oriented business, non-profit-making institutions and government organizations. The results we found showed that the factors worth considering which influence the ethics which was made by the administrators during the desicion-making process is the consideration of profit for the entire company; besides, we also found that there is a different concept of values in those four professions. Ther is a higher degree of value in "concerning about self-control" and "safty-belonging" in the group of non-profit-making, such as governmental organizations, hospitals and schools. That is to say that the non-profit-making group illustrates the merits of the care of humans and self-control, and also expects the safety and peace.  


Ethical behavior within organization Business ethics

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
