Lin, T. 1994. An Empirical Study for Management Strategies and Growth Stages of End User Computing. NTU Management Review, 5 (1): 099-132
Tungching Lin, Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
Thanks to the popularity of 4GL; PC; Software Package, and Telecommunication, they have made the End User Computing (EUC) possible, that is, end user can develop his own application system without MIS department. In Taiwan many organizations have claimed that they indeed have EUC but few empirical research effort is done in the field of dynamic EUC management. The purpose of this study is to create a "EUC growth stage management strategy model" to discuss the following issues: does organization have specific EUC management strategy, does EUC have different growth stages, in every stage are EUC management strategies different from each other. Four cases were studied in this research and the result indicates that organizations do have certain strategy to manage EUC, EUC also have different stages and in each stage the EUC management strategy are different.
End user computing Management information system System management strategy