Chen, Y. C. 1992. A Research on the Establishment of Employees' Old Age Contributory Pension Insurance System in the Republic of China. NTU Management Review, 3 (1): 061-116
In the currently social insurance in the Republic of China, the benefit for Old-age is carried out by means of lump-sum payment. However, most of the countries carrying out social security system, have adopted the pension system. During recent years, our government has regarded the establishment of employees' old-age contributory pension insurance system as an important work, and it is an innovation in the history of our social insurance system. Nevertheless, since it is an innovation in our country, research on how to build up the pension system becomes most necessary. There are four parts of this article: (A) Foreward (B)Analysis of the fundamental structure of pension system (C) Several basic questions about the establishment of employees' old-age contributory pension insurance system in our country and my suggestion on these questions (D) Conclusion. Since pension system is an innovation in our country, we do not have our own systematical data or records of the research on it. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to match the recent policy of our government and national traits, and to compare it to the pension system of leading countries and modern pension insurance theory and foreign records, and thus to offer the authorities concerned my suggestions on how to establish our employees' old-age contributory pension insurance system. I also hope that this article may help attract more attentions to researches on this subject.
Social insurance Employees’ old-age contributory pension insurance system Initial past service liabilities Funding method Pension points