Query-Based Information, Self-Construals and Persuasion

Ku, H. H. 2021. Query-Based Information, Self-Construals and Persuasion. NTU Management Review, 31 (2): 101-128. https://doi.org/10.6226/NTUMR.202108_31(2).0004

Hsuan-Hsuan Ku, Department of International Business, Soochow University


Queries about product choices are widely practiced in advertising in which recipients are invited to reflect on purchase decisions while their interests in alternative choices are prompted. Manipulating in terms of the regulatory focus of queries as well as self- or others-frames, this paper identifies purchase uncertainty as a mediator for analyzing product evaluations of consumers with different self construals in response to queries phrasing in ads for new products. Results show that queries phrased in promotion-focused (vs. prevention-focused) terms yield greater purchase uncertainty and more favorable product evaluation for persons who self-construe as independent rather than interdependent. Furthermore, the independent have more preferential attitudes toward the products when promoted with a self-framed rather than others-framed query, while the reverse occurs for the interdependent. The query effects are mediated by purchase uncertainty.  


query-based informationself-construalpurchase uncertaintyproduct attractiveness

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