Exploring Dual Business Model Choice of Brand and OEM Businesses

Kuo, C. S., and Lee, J. R. 2019. Exploring Dual Business Model Choice of Brand and OEM Businesses. NTU Management Review, 29 (1): 51-94. https://doi.org/10.6226/NTUMR.201904_29(1).0002

Chung-Song Kuo, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University
Ji-Ren Lee, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University


This research undertakes a longitudinal, case-based research to explore how a less wellendowed product supplier chooses a dual business model, which simultaneously engages both own-brand and original equipment manufacturing (OEM) businesses, and its associated decision rationales. Based on in-depth study on multiple product line cases sampled from a single organizational context, we are able to propose two decision constructs: segment-making capabilities and product/service innovation potential, which various types of dual business models are intertwined with. In addition, we find that in the case of exploratory products, the product supplier adopts a model where the organizational learning effect is more pronounced, while in the case of exploitative products, balancing long and short-term outcomes is the primary motive for model choice. Overall, our research adds new insight to the existing paradoxical conversation of dual business models by offering a useful decision framework with a theoretical foundation and practical guidance.  


dual business modelcapabilities-based viewOEM businessbusiness model

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
