The Effects of Interviewer-Applicant Gender Combination on the Interview Evaluation: An Empirical Study on Interviews of University Faculty

Lo, H. H., Lin, S. T., and Liu, P. L. 2014. The Effects of Interviewer-Applicant Gender Combination on the Interview Evaluation: An Empirical Study on Interviews of University Faculty. NTU Management Review, 25 (1): 215-232.

Hsin-Hsin Lo, Professor, Department of Business Administration, Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology
Shao-Tzu Lin, Instructor, Department of Business Administration, Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology
Pei-Ling Liu, Master, Institute of Business and Management, Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology


Past empirical studies found that gender is one of the important factors that influence interviewers’ evaluations on interviewees. However, research findings regarding the impact of interviewer-applicant gender combination on interview evaluation have not been consistent. To resolve the inconsistency, this study proposed that the relationship between interviewer-applicant gender combination and interview evaluation is moderated by the interviewer’s age level. We sampled 218 professors in universities and the results showed that female interviewers tend to give lower evaluations to female applicants as opposed to other interviewer-interviewee gender combination when the interviewer was above forty years old. Our study results evidenced the so-called “queen bee syndrome” existing in a relatively high age group. However, whether this finding was due to differences across generations deserves further investigations.  


queen bee syndromegender combinationinterview evaluation

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
