The Effect of Marketing and Distribution Expense on Mutual Fund Flows: In the Presence of Investors with Different Degrees of Sensitivity to Performance

Lai, W. C., and Wu, B. R. 2014. The Effect of Marketing and Distribution Expense on Mutual Fund Flows: In the Presence of Investors with Different Degrees of Sensitivity to Performance. NTU Management Review, 24 (2): 309-340.

Christine W. Lai, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Management, National Taiwan Normal University
Bi-Rong Wu, Master, Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy, National Taiwan Normal University


This study examines the different effects of 12b-1 fees and sale loads on mutual fund flows. We also try to determine if the response of mutual fund flows to 12b-1 fees (or sale loads) is
influenced by investor sophistication. We examine the latter issue by using past flow-toperformance sensitivity of a fund as the proxy variable for the fund’s investor sophistication.
Alternatively, we chose a subset of funds characterized by low asset retention and subsequently being merged. The implication for funds with low asset retention is that most performance-sensitivity investors have migrated to other funds with better prospects, while the merging of funds implies a discrete shift in the fund’s investor base. We test for investor sophistication effects by analyzing the change in fund flows-to-fees relations after the merging of new shareholders. Our results indicate a positive relation between fund flows and 12b-1 fees, but no relation between flows and loads. In addition, the sensitivity of fund flows to 12b-1 fees will be lower for investors with higher performance sensitivity than for investors with the opposite attributes. Additionally, for funds with low asset retention we find a decrease in flows-to-12b-1 fees sensitivity after merging. We provide evidence to support “strategic fee setting and marketing” in the mutual fund industry.


mutual fund marketingfund flowsinvestors’ performance sensitivity

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
