Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance, Debt Contracting, and Earnings Conservatism

Audrey Wen-Hsin Hsu, and Lin, W. C. 2013. Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance, Debt Contracting, and Earnings Conservatism. NTU Management Review, 24 (1): 1-42.

Audrey Wen-Hsin Hsu, Professor, Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University
Wen-chun Lin, Commisioner, Trading Department, GreTai Securities Market


This study evaluates whether earnings conservatism increases when firms with high debt
contracting demands purchase directors’ and officers’ insurance (D&O). We expect that the
purchase of D&O insurance is positively associated with earnings conservatism only when
firms have higher debt-based contracting demands. We find that firms having D&O
insurance and higher external demand for debts report more earnings conservatism. These
results are consistent with prior studies (Ahmed, Billings, Morton, & Stanford-Harris, 2002;
Watts, 2003) that debtholders demand greater earnings conservatism as a means of
addressing agency problems. This study also provides evidence that debtholders appear to be
the primary driver of the demand for earnings conservatism.


D&O insurancedebt contractingearnings conservatism

NTU Management Review No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan
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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
