2024 Management Innovation Conference (Oct. 13-Oct. 14, 2024 in Busan, Korea)
Uploaded on 2024.02.05
Call for Papers
2024 Management Innovation Conference
Frontier of Technology, Intelligence and Analytics
In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a focal point across diverse academic domains. The convergence of technological progress, AI, and data analytics not only catalyzes innovation in all domains of management but also exerts a transformative impact on traditional management methodologies. This field stands at the forefront of reshaping business environments, pushing the limits, and redefining the fundamental principles of efficient management. It underscores the imperative for managers to adapt to and evolve in this dynamic, technology-driven era.

In a concerted effort to promote research on issues pertaining to technology innovation and management, as well as to strengthen academic collaboration with international institutions, Human Centered - Carbon Neutral Global Supply Chain Research Center (SCSC) and BK21 Four Industrial Big Data Educational Research Group for Global Supply Chain Innovation (IBD-GSC) at Pusan National University (PNU)
, College of Management at National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), and NTU Management Review of College of Management at National Taiwan University (NTU) have jointly organized the "2024 Management Innovation Conference: Frontier of Technology, Intelligence and Analytics." This conference intends to showcase the latest developments and applications in technology, AI, and data analytics, with the aim of enhancing management innovation. Focusing on topics that explore the intricate relationship between advanced technologies and management practices, we anticipate fostering in-depth discussions on the presented papers and interactive engagement among participants. Scholars from diverse academic backgrounds will gain valuable insights through this conference.
Scope and Topics
To enhance the caliber of all submitted papers and to foster the establishment of a cohesive research community, we invite contributions encompassing theoretical, empirical, and qualitative research in this conference. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
 • Application of Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
• Behavior and Human Resources: New Concepts and Trends
• Big Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Application
• Big Data Technology Development
• Business Groups and Organizations
• Business Model Innovation
• Circular Economy
• Corporate Strategy and Information Technology
• Development and Application of E-business and E-commerce, Cloud Computing
• Digital Intelligence and Human Resources Technology
• Engineering Management
• ESG Digital Transformation
• Green Supply Chain Management
• Impact Investment and Evaluation
• Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI)
• Innovation in Management Thinking During and After a Pandemic
• Innovation in Operations and Industrial Management
• Innovation Management Techniques and Tools
• Innovative Technologies and Digital Solutions for Sustainability and Social Good
• Intelligent Internet of Things Commerce
• Knowledge Management and Innovation
• Organizational Change and Integrated Management
• Service Innovation and Design
• Social Enterprise Management
• Supply Chain Resilience
• Value Chain Innovation Strategy
Conference Dates: October 13-14, 2024
Conference Venue
Pusan National University Campus
  (Pusan National University Street No. 63 (Jangjeon-dong 2), Geumjeong-gu, Busan, Korea)

Important Dates
• First Submission Deadline: May 17, 2024
• Second Submission Deadline: June 1, 2024
• First Acceptance Notification Date: June 17, 2024
• Second Acceptance Notification Date: July 1, 2024
• Registration Fees Deadline: July 5, 2024

• Conference Dates: October 13-14, 2024
City Tour
• City Tour Date: October 13, 2024
Submission Guidelines
• Before you submit your original work, note that the submitting author is automatically designated as the corresponding author in our submission system. The corresponding author is also the primary contact for the conference organizers.
• Manuscript: PDF file, full-text manuscript or long abstract, including the title; please keep the full-text manuscript or long abstract anonymous. The font should be Times New Roman typeface in 12-point pitch.
• The Conference Committee will make a preliminary review and decide whether the submitted paper is eligible for presentation and send out the results via email.
• Online submission: https://2024FTIA.conf.tw
Conference Co-Chairs
•Prof. Bae, Hyerim, Dean, Graduate School of Data Science,
Pusan National University / Director, Human Centered - Carbon Neutral Global Supply 
 Chain Research Center, Pusan National University
•Prof. Shu-Kai Fan, Dean, College of Management, National Taipei University of Technology
•Prof. Shing-Yang Hu, Dean, College of Management, National Taiwan University

•Prof. Dowon Kim, Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University
•Prof. Ryu, Kwangyeol, Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University / Director, BK21 Four Industrial Big Data Educational
 Research Group for Global Supply Chain Innovation, Pusan National University

•Prof. Liang-Chih Liu, Department of Information and Finance Management, National Taipei University of Technology
•Prof. You-Jin Park, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Taipei University of Technology
•Prof. Shih-Wei Wu, Department of Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology
•Prof. Heng-Chiang Huang, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University
•Prof. Hsiou-Wei Lin, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University
•Prof. Chih-Ping Wei, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
•Prof. Cheng-Wei Wu, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University
Features of the Conference
• Keynote speech delivered by internationally well-known scholars
• Concurrent paper presentation sessions
• City Tour
• Welcome Banquet
•Registration Fee: USD 500 (Professors) equals to NTD 15,550
   USD 350 (Ph.D. & Master Students) equals to NTD 10,850
•Each attendee must pay the registration fee, including co-authors.
•The name of the receipt of the registration fee can be indicated in the payment system.
•The authors are not required to submit the registration fee upon initial submission; instead, they should await notification from the organizing committee (i.e., acceptance or rejection emails). The authors should pay for the registration fees when their papers are accepted and they will attend the conference in person.
Organized by
•Human Centered - Carbon Neutral Global Supply Chain Research Center, Pusan National University

BK21 Four Industrial Big Data Educational Research Group for Global Supply Chain Innovation, Pusan National University
•College of Management, National Taipei University of Technology
•College of Management, National Taiwan University
Contact Us
NTU Management Review
Ms. Hui-Wen Cheng
Tel: +886-2-3366-1026
E-Mail: ntupmcenter@ntu.edu.tw
Website: https://review.management.ntu.edu.tw

NTU Management Review No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan
3F, Bldg. 1, College of Management, National Taiwan University

TEL: +886-2-33661026  +886-2-33665404  

E-mail: ntupmcenter@ntu.edu.tw

Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
