Call for Papers: 2024 Frontiers in Accounting and Finance International Conference(Submission Deadline: December 20th, 2023)Conference Date: April 20th, 2024
Uploaded on 2023.09.21
2024 Frontiers in Accounting and Finance
International Conference

To facilitate interactions among accounting and finance scholars, NTU Management Review and Journal of Accounting Review will jointly hold the "2024 Frontiers in Accounting and Finance International Conference". As a platform for innovative knowledge in industry, regulators, and academia, we aim to introduce new theories and concepts to the academic and business world through the cross-disciplinary interchange. This conference will focus on accounting- and finance-related topics. Scholars are welcome to present innovative research papers in accounting, financial concept and practice.
Paper Scope and Research Topics
Interested scholars are cordially invited to submit original manuscripts relevant to the topics of "2024 Frontiers in Accounting and Finance Conference". Analytical, empirical, as well as qualitive research papers are all welcome. Possible research topics include but are not limited to:
  • Practices of Financial Reports
  • Managerial Accounting and Management Control
  • Audit Practices
  • The Changing Accounting Information Environment
  • Financial Markets and Investments
  • Corporate Finance and Banking
  • Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Innovations and Management Control Systems in Startups
  • Performance Assessment and Reward Management
  • Value Chain Risk Management
  • Accounting and Financial Information System
  • The Big Data and Financial Technology
  • Performance Evaluation and Risk Management of Public Pension Funds
  • Reviews of Accounting Research in Taiwan
  • Accounting Education
  • Taxation Laws and Practices
  • Blockchain and Accounting Audit
  • Climate Risk Management and Climate-related Financial Disclosure
  • Accounting Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence
  • ESG Accounting Reporting and Conviction
  • Accounting in FinTech and IoT
  • Accounting in Government and NGOs

Location of Conference
  • Conference Location: Dah Hsian Seetoo Library, National Chengchi University.
  • First Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2023
  • Second Submission Deadline: December 20th, 2023
  • First Acceptance Notification Date: February 23rd, 2024
  • Second Acceptance Notification Date: March 1st, 2024
  • Conference Date: April 20th, 2024
  • Please send your paper to
  • Please write the subject of the email as "Submission: 2024 Frontiers in Accounting and Finance International Conference".

  • Registration Fee: USD 80 (Online Session)
  • Each attendee must pay the registration fee, including co-authors.
  • Author doesn't need to pay the registration fee after submission. Please wait until the notification of presentation in conference by organizing committee.
 Conference Awards
  • Excellence Awards: Two winners in total, each will receive 12,000 NTD.
  • Editors' Choice Awards: Two winners in total, each will receive 7,500 NTD.
The winners are obligated to submit their papers with no submission fees to NTU Management Review or Journal of Accounting Review in accordance with the award notice of the conference.
The above award money will be given in two parts, with one-third being given on the award date, and two-thirds being given after the prize paper passes the second review and is accepted by the organizer.
【Instructions to Authors
  1. Please submit an original PDF-format research paper, font size 12point and line spacing 1.5 times (including the abstract, the full text, references, figures or appendices).
  2. Please remove all author information before submitting the paper, sticking to the principle of keeping names hidden.
  3. Submitted papers can be written either in Chinese or in English.
  4. The length of manuscripts should be between 15 and 55 pages.
  5. The conference shall publish the abstract on the cloud.
  6. Please verify all author information before submitting the paper, and do not change it after receiving the review result notification.
  7. After reviewing all the submitted papers, the editors of special issues will send out result notifications, and after being assigned to either NTU Management Review or Journal of Accounting Review, each paper can then be ready for subsequent submissions and second review.
Contact Information
NTU Management Review
Journal of Accounting Review
Tel: +886-2-2939-3091*88540

NTU Management Review No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan
3F, Bldg. 1, College of Management, National Taiwan University

TEL: +886-2-33661026  +886-2-33665404  


Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
