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Optimal Allocation of Capacitated Facilities Considering Time-Dependent User Preference for User Number

               problem does not need to precisely estimate all the preference levels p . Instead of this,
               the decision maker only needs to estimate whether a given preference level p  is positive
               or not. In this study, we still choose to formulate the problem with p  as a real number to
               retain the generality of our model.

                    We may show that the problem is NP-hard by reducing the problem studied in Kang
               et al. (2023) to our problem. This is trivial by observing that his problem is a special case
               of ours with |T|=1, i.e., there is only one activity session.

               3.3 An Illustrative Example
                    The following example shows how these constraints express the preference rela-
               tionship. In this example, there are three built facilities and two activity sessions which
               means six facility-session pairs. Suppose that customers all live in the same location, say
               location 1, the preferences of customers and residual capacity of facility-session pairs are

               listed in Table 1. We assume that the total demand of the customers at location 1 is 1.

                        Table 1  The Preference and Residual Capacity of the Example
                        (j, t)                p 1,j,t                residual capacity
                        (1, 1)                0.1                           1
                        (1, 2)                0.2                           1
                        (2, 1)                0.3                          0.3
                        (2, 2)                0.4                          0.3
                        (3, 1)                -0.5                         0.5
                        (3, 2)                -0.6                         0.5

                    In this case, no one will go to facility 3 in any activity session since the customers
               hold negative preference over pairs (3, 1) and (3, 2), which is lower than the zero utility

               of staying at home. Therefore, facility 3 does not need to be taken into consideration. If
               the customers choose facility-session pairs (1, 2) and (2, 2) with proportion 0.7 and 0.3,
               the status is presented in Table 2. Since only pair (2, 2) is fully occupied (i.e. w =0),
               according to constraint (11), the preference of the most preferred available pair among

               available ones is p 1,2,1  (i.e. z =0.3). Constraint (12) restricts x 1,1,2  to be 0 since it is not
               the most preferred one. However, this creates a contradiction with the result given by
               constraint (13), where x 1,1,2 =1. The above discussion is summarized in Table 2.

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