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NTU Management Review Vol. 33 No. 2 Aug. 2023

               between standardized-format reports and their readability. It is recommended that future
               research examine the consequences of standardized-format reports, given that many firms
               may use such formats for their financial reports. Finally, we suggest that future studies
               cooperate with tax authorities to obtain first-hand corporate taxation data in order to enable

               the precise measurement of the degree of tax avoidance and to yield more practical results.

                                      6. Originality/Contribution

                   The contributions of this research are as follows. First, we contribute to the current
               literature by examining the effect of corporate tax avoidance on a firm's information
               environment through the use of a financial report readability measure, which can help
               determine the level of vagueness in the information presented. We present evidence of

               a negative relationship between corporate tax avoidance and the readability of financial
               statements, indicating that firms may deliberately lower the readability of their reports
               to obscure their true tax-saving strategies. This finding highlights the potential negative
               consequences of such practices.

                   Second, this study contributes to the literature by investigating the relationship
               between tax avoidance and financial report readability in Mandarin Chinese, which has
               not been examined before. Given the narrative characteristics of Mandarin Chinese, we
               employ multiple indexes to comprehensively evaluate the impact of readability. Thus, this

               study enriches the related literature by providing non-Western evidence.
                   Finally, this research has practical implications. Since some firms manipulate their
               financial reports to conceal fraudulent behaviors, the monitoring authorities should
               strengthen their monitoring power and develop policies to minimize such manipulation.

               Next, hiring an industry specialist auditor is an effective corporate governance method.
               We propose that auditor industry expertise helps a firm to perform appropriate adjustments
               to its financial reports, build strong internal monitoring mechanisms, and engage in
               comprehensive corporate governance to raise the quality of its financial reports.

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