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findings remain valid with dependency between the two events (except that the MCN
                                                                                     findings remain valid with dependency between the two events (except that the MCN
                    company’s profit will be affected by an exogenous amount).
        findings remain valid with dependency between the two events (except that the MCN company’s profit will be affected by an exogenous amount).
                    6.2    Difference in the Effort Exerting Costs
        company’s profit will be affected by an exogenous amount).
                                                                                     6.2    Difference in the Effort Exerting Costs
                          In our basic model, it is assumed that the effort exertion cost is         for both
        6.2    Difference in the Effort Exerting Costs
                                                                                           In our basic model, it is assumed that the effort exertion cost is         for both
                    creators, where        is the effort level and        is a common exogenous parameter. With                                       �  �
              In our basic model, it is assumed that the effort exertion cost is         for both  creators, where        is the effort level and        is a common exogenous parameter. With
                    this  assumption,  the  two  creators  are  identical  in  the  cost  of  exerting  efforts  and
        creators, where        is the effort level and        is a common exogenous parameter. With this  assumption,  the  two  creators  are  identical  in  the  cost  of  exerting  efforts  and
               Optimal Advertorial Allocation and Contract Design of a Multichannel Networks Company on Video Sharing
                    different only in their attractiveness (modeled with the two different values of         and
               Platforms                                                                   �
        this  assumption,  the  two  creators  are  identical  in  the  cost  of  exerting  efforts  and different only in their attractiveness (modeled with the two different values of         and
                         ). It is admittedly true that in some cases the two creators may also be different in
        different only in their attractiveness (modeled with the two different values of         and      ). It is admittedly true that in some cases the two creators may also be different in
               6.2 Difference in the Effort Exerting Costs
                    their effort exertion costs. To model this, we now assume that the effort exertion cost
                    In our basic model, it is assumed that the effort exertion cost is      for both creators,
             ). It is admittedly true that in some cases the two creators may also be different in their effort exertion costs. To model this, we now assume that the effort exertion cost
                                                             for the type-L creator, where       ≠     . Note
                                for the type-H creator and
          �            � �  �                       � �  �
               where e is the effort level and k is a common exogenous parameter. With this assumption,
        their effort exertion costs. To model this, we now assume that the effort exertion cost  is   � �            � �        for the type-L creator, where       ≠     . Note
               the two creators are identical in the cost of exerting efforts and different only in their  for the type-H creator and
                    that we do not assume       >       or       <       as either way is possible.
               attractiveness (modeled with the two different values of β  and β ). It is admittedly true             �
        is   � �         for the type-H creator and   � �        for the type-L creator, where       ≠     . Note
                                                                                     that we do not assume       >       or       <       as either way is possible.
            �  that in some cases the two creators may also be different in their effort exertion costs. To   �  �     �    �

                         Under this extended setting, the analysis may still be done following the same
               model this, we now assume that the effort exertion cost is      for the type-H creator and

                                                                    k H
        that we do not assume       >       or       <       as either way is possible.        Under this extended setting, the analysis may still be done following the same
                    backward induction procedure we used for our basic model (except that the technical
               k L
                    for the type-L creator, where k  ≠ k . Note that we do not assume k  > k  or k  < k  as
               either way is possible.
             Under this extended setting, the analysis may still be done following the same backward induction procedure we used for our basic model (except that the technical
                    condition                 <          for  the  homogeneous  cost  case  is  replaced  by                 <
                               � �
                                                                                          � �
                    Under this extended setting, the analysis may still be done following the same
                      �          ).  With  the  equilibrium  revenue  sharing  ratios  derived,  the  following
        backward induction procedure we used for our basic model (except that the technical condition                 <          for  the  homogeneous  cost  case  is  replaced  by                 <
               backward induction procedure we used for our basic model (except that the technical
                                                                                                � �
                                                                                                                                                           � �
                        � �
               condition β  β  A<2k for the homogeneous cost case is replaced by                            ).  ).  With  the  equilibrium  revenue  sharing  ratios  derived,  the  following
                                                                              � � affect  the  MCN
                    proposition  helps  us  understand  how  the  new  cost  coefficients
        condition                 <          for  the  homogeneous  cost  case  is  replaced  by                 <   �         
                   � �
                                                                                         � �
               With the equilibrium revenue sharing ratios derived, the following proposition helps us
          �          ).  With  the  equilibrium  revenue  sharing  ratios  derived,  the  following proposition  helps  us  understand  how  the  new  cost  coefficients  affect  the  MCN
                    company’s choice of the revenue sharing ratios, for which we say       (     ,     )  is for
             � �
               understand how the new cost coefficients affect the MCN company’s choice of the revenue
        proposition  helps  us  understand  how  the  new  cost  coefficients  affect  the  MCN company’s choice of the revenue sharing ratios, for which we say       (     ,     )  is for
               sharing ratios, for which we say ϕ  (k , k ) is for the type-H creator and ϕ  (k , k ) is for
                                                 H )  is for the type-L one.
                    the type-H creator and       (    
                                              H ,    
               the type-L one.
        company’s choice of the revenue sharing ratios, for which we say       (     ,     )  is for the type-H creator and       (     ,     )  is for the type-L one.
                    Proposition 6. Suppose that                 <   �          . Given any values of         and         such
                    Proposition 6: Suppose that                               . Given any values of k  and k  such   �  �  �
                                                          � �
                                               � �
        the type-H creator and       (     ,     )  is for the type-L one.     H  L I  H   L  Proposition 6. Suppose that                 <   �          . Given any values of         and         such
               that k  ≠ k  , ϕ  (k , k ) increases in k  and decreases in k , and ϕ  (k , k ) increases in k
                    that       ≠     ,       (     ,     )  increases  in         and  decreases  in       ,  and       (     ,     )
                                   L �
               and decreases in k . �  �  �  �             �                   �        �  �   �                � �        � �                      �       �
        Proposition 6. Suppose that                 <   �          . Given any values of         and         such that       ≠     ,       (     ,     )  increases  in         and  decreases  in       ,  and       (     ,     )
                    increases in         and decreases in
                                               � �      .
                                   � �
                    According to Proposition 6, the revenue sharing ratio for a creator decreases in the          and decreases in       .
        that       ≠     ,       (     ,     )  increases  in         and  decreases  in       ,  and       (     ,     ) increases in  �  �

               creator’s cost coefficient but increases in that of the other creator. The intuition is the
        increases in         and decreases in       .

               following. Let’s say the cost coefficient of the type-H creator, k , has increased. This is
               going to drive the type-H creator to exert a lower effort and decrease the probability for
               her to meet the threshold. As the MCN company realizes that the efficiency of sharing

               revenue to induce a high effort level is reduced, its optimal response is to cut down ϕ                     27

               (k , k ) to avoid giving out some inefficient share to the type-H creator. On the contrary,
               it becomes relatively easier for the MCN company to induce the type-L creator to exert a
               high effort. The revenue sharing ratio ϕ  (k , k ) should thus be increased to capture the
               additional efficiency.
                    It is interesting to compare Proposition 6 with Proposition 2. While ϕ   and ϕ  are
               derived in Proposition 2 by assuming k  = k  = k, the first-order derivatives of ϕ  and
               ϕ  with respect to k are quite messy and do not generate insights regarding how the cost
               coefficient affects the revenue sharing ratios. By splitting the cost coefficient into two
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