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Optimal Advertorial Allocation and Contract Design of a Multichannel Networks Company on Video Sharing

               advertisements are displayed before, after, or in the middle of the videos. YouTube shares
               the advertising revenue with creators (Miller, 2010). Besides, creators may also create
               videos to specifically market a brand or a product in exchange for advertorial fees (Wu,
               2016). According to Stephanie Horbaczewski, the founder of the fashion MCN Style
               Haul, sponsored activity is a more valuable revenue source than advertising revenue
               sharing since the former is non-Google dependent.  Moreover, since sponsored activities
               often express deeper brand messages and secure higher consumer eyeballs, they are more

               lucrative (Lobato, 2016). There are many forms of sponsored activities, among which
               making advertorial content is the most common one on YouTube. Therefore, we focus on
               advertorial activities throughout the study.
                    As the intermediaries between creators and business owners (sponsors), it is
               challenging for MCNs to set the revenue sharing percentage and allocate the opportunities
               for advertorials to maximize profit. First, MCNs, creators, and business owners all care
               about their own profit, thus having misaligned profit incentives. Second, the revenue

               sharing percentage and the advertorial allocation decision are intertwined and should not
               be determined separately. Third, creators have different popularity and may exert different
               effort levels. An MCN must estimate how its decisions may affect its creators’ effort
               decisions, making it even more difficult to determine who to take charge of the advertorial.
               These make an MCN’s contract design and advertorial allocation problem challenging.
                    In this study, we would like to investigate the following questions: (1) How should
               MCNs allocate the advertorial? (2) How should MCNs set the revenue sharing proportions
               with the creators? (3) Who benefits from the existence of MCNs? (4) How the industry
               structure affects the equilibrium decisions? With the aim of tackling these problems, we

               build three game-theoretic models considering three structures of interaction among an
               MCN and multiple effort-exerting creators with different abilities. The major purpose of
               our research is to study the profitability of feasible advertorial allocation strategies, figure
               out factors that affect MCN’s equilibrium choice, and compare the differences among
               different industry structures. Our findings may provide managerial implications for both
               MCNs and creators.

                  2   The advertising revenue sharing program, called Google AdSense, is run by Google, the parent com-
                     pany of YouTube.

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