Page 140 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第2期
P. 140

The More, the Merrier? The Bystander Effect on Crowdfunding Platforms

                                        Figure 1  Research Framework

                                           3. Data and Method

               3.1 Sample Construction and Data Collection
                    As the goal of this paper is to test research hypotheses about crowdfunding, we

               extracted data from flyingV, one of the largest and dominant reward-based crowdfunding
               platforms in Taiwan. flyingV, established in 2012, operates under the All-or-Nothing
               model, which is a commonly used model for crowdfunding platforms. That is, founders
               can receive the funds raised if they meet or exceed their pre-set funding goal by the end
               of a campaign. For crowd funders, they receive tangible products or services in return for

               their financial contributions. Since its inception in 2012, flyingV had raised more than
               NT$1.6 billion from backers by the end of 2019 (Backer-Funder, 2020).
                    We hand-collect 5,773 daily observations from the webpage of the 191 projects on

               the flyingV platform from December 2, 2014 to March 11, 2015 and extracted related
               information such as funding days, the amount of target pledges, the number of backers,
               and the number of supporters.

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