Announcements of Call for Papers for Special Issues and T. N. Soong Foundation Award
Recently, a new call for paper on “New Southbound Policy: Challenges & New
Implications” has been announced. Guest editors of this special issue are Prof. Yung-Chih
Lien from National Taiwan University, Prof. Chia-Ling (Eunice) Liu from National Taiwan
University, Prof. Ruey-Jer (Bryan) Jean from National Chengchi University, and Prof. Chia-
Wen Hsu from National Chung Cheng University. This special issue is to discuss the
challenges and theoretical implications with the implementation of “New Southbound
Policy”. All are welcomed to submit. Submission will be closed on March 2, 2018. Please
refer to the announcement for possible topics or check the latest updates on
Management Review
website for more details.
Special thanks go to Dr. Samuel Yin, President of Ruentex Financial Group, who
partially sponsors
NTU Management Review
by way of Yin-Xun-Ruo Educational
Foundation, allowing our journal to continuously publish distinguished publications.
Last but not least, we would like to thank T. N. Soong Foundation for its continuing
support. To encourage research in accounting, auditing, finance, taxation, information, and
management in Taiwan, the Foundation has sponsored the Best Master’s Thesis Award since
1996. Several winning papers have been published in
NTU Management Review
since then.
Introduction of This Edition
This edition of
NTU Management Review
contains seven articles. The following is a
brief introduction of the seven articles.
For the article in the field of organization management written by Lee, Lee, and Wu—
they propose a stewardship perspective on entrepreneurship behavior of family business and
hypothesized that in terms of decision comprehensiveness, participative governance and
long-term orientation— managers’ stewardship orientation shapes firm innovativeness
through altering the company-wide explorative orientation. Their sample of 186 Taiwanese
family firms offered support for their hypotheses. Furthermore, they found that the effect on
NPD performance by stewardship orientation was amplified with family social capital. Their
findings add to the family business literature by suggesting “a fundamental reframing of
governance issues” that goes beyond the control-monitoring approach. The authors assert