After being indexed in 2013 by Scopus, NTUMR was further indexed by international
databases EBSCO and ProQuest in September and November of 2017, respectively.
Furthermore, as announced in Nov. 2017, Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI) &
Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI) has recognized NTUMR as a first-tier
journal in Taiwan. Since the establishment of NTUMR in 1990, the journal has gradually
become an essential platform for knowledge exchange between domestic and international
scholars. NTUMR has not only earned the approval and recognition of international
databases, but is also awarded as a top journal by Taiwan’s most respected and fair
assessment system on academic journals, THCI & TSSCI.
Announcements of 2018 Management Theory and Practice Conference
To promote interactions among management scholars in the Asia-Pacific region and
around the world, on April 1 and 2 of 2018. We will hold the 2018 Management Theory and
Practice Conference: Managing the New Realities in Asia; aiming to provide an academic
forum for the exchange of management-related research ideas and to provide suggestions for
future researches in the Asia-Pacific region. The conference focuses on management from an
Asia-Pacific perspective, aiming to bring together researchers and practitioners to facilitate
the discussion on the insights into different fields of management such as accounting,
finance, organizational behavior, human resources, marketing, information management,
e-commerce, productions and operations management, and corporate strategy.
For further information, please check the latest updates on
NTU Management Review
website for more details. Scholars and practitioners throughout the world are welcomed to
Editor’s Note