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will find some topics worthy of future research. We shall select some of those topics and

illustrate them according to the categories described above. For the topic of risk

management, more and more studies are paying attention to the consequences caused by the

Basel III accord, particularly on liquidity risk management. For employee stock option

topics, models considering risk preferences could be promising avenues for research.

Regarding the issue of business operations, future studies could investigate market efficiency

following the use of different hypotheses. As far as real options are concerned, the process of

choosing an interesting case study or financial event to implement real options

methodologies should present great potential. Finally, as more and more innovative

derivative products are introduced into Taiwan’s markets, topics about these newly

developed derivatives are becoming much more abundant, and related studies should thus be

very attractive. Hence, investigation on how to select an appropriate issue and conduct a

meaningful empirical or application study may generate great academic accomplishments on

a particular issue.