
181 NTU Management Review Vol. 31 No. 3 Dec. 2021 In this study, we have simultaneously tested the following three arguments: (1) Online loyalty is enhanced through online satisfaction and offline loyalty, whereas offline loyalty is enhanced through offline satisfaction. (2) Online satisfaction is increased through economic value, relational value, and offline satisfaction, whereas offline satisfaction is increased through economic and relational values. (3) Economic and relational values are motivated by multichannel integration and perceived affordances. We find all hypotheses relating to these variables are significant and are in the expected direction. 5.1 Multichannel Integration, Perceived Affordances and the Consequences With the emergence of multiple channels, customers are becoming acquainted with interactions with retailers on their purchasing experiences, whether in offline channels or online channels (Kumar and Venkatesan, 2005; Kushwaha and Shankar, 2013). Retailers can meet these customers’ expectations by managing their channels collectively to create a movement of flows between online and offline channels (de Faultrier, Boulay, Feenstra, and Muzellec, 2014). Multichannel integration aims to enhance performance and customer experience across channels, allowing customers to interact simultaneously across channels at any customer touchpoints (Verhoef et al., 2015). Thus, multichannel integration can enhance customer values. Consistent with Cervellon et al. (2015) and Yang et al. (2016), our results reveal that when multichannel retailers display high-level integration, they provide benefits to customers with economic and relational values. For multichannel retailers, a portfolio of complementary channels makes a great and deep mix of products or services accessible to customers (Chatterjee, 2010). Furthermore, multichannel integration offers flexibilities compared with single channel shopping, resulting in customers’ needs for accessibility, reduced waiting time, increased shopping efficiency, and affective response (Carlson et al., 2015). Perceived affordances represent the association between an environment and an organism that, through a gathering of stimuli, affords the chance for that organism to execute an action (Shin and Hwang, 2017). Customers perceive affordances according to the multichannel environment, which influences customer values (Lee et al., 2014). Perceived affordances depend on the instincts and mental models of customers, which indicates that customers with high perceived affordances may lead to deep understandings and good reactions toward the multichannel stimuli (Norman, 2013). Customers typically act within the environment because of a goal they want to achieve. Their perception of