
174 Managing Multichannel Integration, Designing Perceived Affordances, and Developing Customer Relationship in the Online and Offline Retailing Jin et al. (2010) and Kwon and Lennon (2009) reveal that the behavior of purchasing in one channel reinforces the likelihood of buying in another channel. Fornari, Fornari, Grandi, Menegatti, and Hofacker (2016) find that different channels interact and reinforce one another. Many transactions that start in an online channel have already executed in an offline channel (Kim, Jin, and Swinney, 2009), and the attitude attained in the offline channel has an impact on the online channel (Forgas, Palau, Sánchez, and Huertas-García, 2012). Hence, cumulative levels of offline loyalty are expected to cultivate with additional positive inputs, which are added to the base level of online loyalty. Farag, Schwanen, Dijst, and Faber (2007) suggest that offline behaviors can shape online behaviors. Offline shopping incidence affects online purchasing; offline patronage and attitude influences online patronage and attitude (Badrinarayanan, Becerra, Kim, and Madhavaram, 2012; Jones and Kim, 2010). See-To and Ho (2014) argue that offline behavior intentions have significant and positive effects on online perceptions. That is, customers transfer positive attitudes and beliefs built from offline channels to online channels (Frasquet, Mollá Descals, and Ruiz-Molina, 2017). H12: Offline loyalty has a positive influence on online loyalty. 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Data Collection and Sampling We use the intercept method and conduct a survey which is administered to respondents who have made purchases in the online and offline channels of the same retailer in the past six months. We train research assistants as recruiters prior to this data collection. The training enables them to recruit respondents who are willing to complete a self-reported questionnaire, and to provide explanation and support when needed. To make sure representative sampling selection, we conduct data collection on different weekdays and at numerous times of the day. From the outset or exit, the surveys were divided among metropolitan and rural areas in northern, central, and southern Taiwan, namely, Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan, and in several apparel stores selected at abovementioned cities, we inform the recruited respondents that they are going to participate in marketing research and provide them with questionnaires. We collect all surveys within two months in the summer of 2019. A total of 394 responses are completed and after excluding 7 incomplete responses the final sample size is 387. The respondents’ demographic characteristics are as follows: