
170 Managing Multichannel Integration, Designing Perceived Affordances, and Developing Customer Relationship in the Online and Offline Retailing (Tang and Zhang, 2020). By designing good perceived affordances in a multichannel environment, retailers can let customers simply perceive the action possibilities enabled by shopping environments that support the designed objectives (Dong and Wang, 2018; Tang and Zhang, 2020). Hence, customers can involve in the shopping experience and enhance relational value. H4: Perceived affordances has a positive influence on relational value. 2.4 Economic Value, Relational Value, Online Satisfaction, and Offline Satisfaction Our study identifies two constructs of satisfaction, that is, online satisfaction and offline satisfaction. Muylle, Moenaert, and Despontin (2004) define online satisfaction as a set of attitudes relating to customers’ satisfaction and positive experiences with an online channel. On the other hand, Falk, Schepers, Hammerschmidt, and Bauer (2007) define offline satisfaction as customers’ total appraisal of their shopping experiences with an offline channel. Yang and Peterson (2004) argue that customer values affect shopping decisions and also influence satisfaction. Consequently, satisfaction is the result of customers’ perception of the values received (Cronin, Brady, and Hult, 2000; Kim, Kim, and Wachter, 2013). In general, the higher the customers perceive the values of the product or service to be, the more likely they will feel satisfied with the product or service. McDougall and Levesque (2000) support the effects of perceived values on online satisfaction. Shamdasani, Mukherjee, and Malhotra (2008) confirm that customer values play particularly important roles in influencing satisfaction. Chiu, Wang, Fang, and Huang (2014) also show that customer values have significant effects on satisfaction in the context of e-commerce. In the multichannel retailing context, the main motivations for customers to shop online, such as search convenience, information availability, and speed of delivery, are mostly economic value (Cervellon et al., 2015). Economic value can enhance service convenience preferences and suggest that multichannel retailers would compensate their customers for their effort and time invested in the online shopping process. Therefore, customers who realize high economic value can achieve excellent service quality, and accomplish several professional shopping goals within online channels. Moreover, customers may perceive these economic attributes of online channels valuable and beneficial to them (Rangaswamy and Van Bruggen, 2005). As a result, customers perceiving higher economic value can experience better online satisfaction.