臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.3

83 DOI:10.6226/NTUMR.201912_29(3).0003 「勞資衝突」是必然,還是偶然? 從結構化理論探討台灣企業勞資衝突之歷程研究 Are Industrial Conflicts Inevitable or Fortuitous? —A Process Research on Industrial Conflicts in Taiwanese Enterprises from the Perspective of Structuration Theory Abstract “Industrial Conflict” phenomenon has been common in practice in the business world. How to cope with this issue has become important in the development of Taiwanese industries and economy. For reasons stated above, the study explores cases of industrial conflict in Taiwanese enterprises. Moreover, in order to expand the limited existing sources from single viewpoints of the “employer” structure or “labor” action, this study also uses an interactive perspective with the support of structuration theory as the analytical framework to explore the comprehensive dispute process and main reasons of industrial conflicts. Finally, this study aims to disclose facts about the forming process of industrial conflicts and relevant influential factors, and whether these conflicts are the unavoidable fate for organizations or could have been an engineered consequence by interrelated actors. 【 Keywords 】 industrial conflict, structuration theory, labor union, labor, process research 摘 要 「勞資衝突」議題攸關台灣產業經濟發展,但檢視現有學術文獻,除了論文篇數不多, 論文發展走向也有一些值得商榷之處。例如,研究主題偏重「勞資爭議事件」而少談 「勞資衝突歷程」;研究對象以「企業與工會」為主,較少觸及「管理者與勞工」; 研究觀點趨向從「資方結構層面」或「勞工行動面向」的單一角度論述等。這些情況, 無形限縮對於此地「勞資衝突」問題的理解。為此,本研究就個案勞資衝突歷程,進 行包括企業、工會、管理者、勞工等觀察。同時採取「結構化理論」作為分析架構, 藉以探求更深層的勞資衝突發展內涵。本研究希望據此重新思考:「勞資衝突」是企 業無法避免的宿命,還是人為行動介入所致。 【關鍵字】 勞資衝突、結構化理論、工會、勞工、歷程研究 I-Hui Lee , Department of Business Administration, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology 李怡慧 / 國立雲林科技大學企業管理研究所 Chien-Ming Wu , Department of Marketing Management, TransWorld University 吳建明 / 環球科技大學行銷管理系 Shang-Ping Lin , Department of Business Administration, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology 林尚平 / 國立雲林科技大學企業管理系 Received 2016/12, Final revision received 2017/9 NTU Management Review Vol. 29 No. 3 Dec. 2019, 83-124