臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.1

Contents 目錄 III
Editor’s Note V
The Illiquidity Premium: Further Evidence from Global and Asia-Pacific Markets 1
供應商囤貨行為及政權介入對於災後農產品供應鏈管理之影響 Post-Disaster Grain Supply Chain Management with Supplier Hoarding and Regime Intervention 25
探索品牌與代工雙元營運模式的選擇 Exploring Dual Business Model Choice of Brand and OEM Businesses 51
海外研發夥伴之選擇:整合型架構 Choose Foreign R&D Partners From Right Pools: A Synthesis Framework 95
廠商能力與治理模式對網絡與績效之干擾效果 The Moderating Effects of Firm Capabilities and Governance Modes on the Network-Performance Relation 129
建構商業智慧委外承包商評選指標之研究 Construct Outsourcing Vendor Selection Criteria for Business Intelligence 171
長期資產減損認列與迴轉對盈餘資訊性之影響 Earnings Informativeness of Long-Lived Assets Impairment Recognized and Reversals 201
經理人誘因與銀行流動性管理 CEO Incentives and Bank Liquidity Management 255
Call for Papers & Guidelines 323
財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會108年度碩士論文獎公告 325