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taxation, and accounting information management in Taiwan, the Foundation has been
sponsoring the Best Master’s Thesis Award since 1996. NTU Management Review has
been publishing quite a few awarded research papers ever since.
Introduction of this Edition
This edition of NTU Management Review contains five articles. The following is a
brief introduction to all of them.
For the one article in the field of organizational behavior/human resources by
Chen, Hsiung, and Chen, it examines the relationship between heavy work investment
(workaholism and work engagement) and job burnout drawing on the effort-recovery
theory and the conservation of resources theory. Authors first hypothesize that health
promotion and psychological capital can buffer the influence of heavy work investment
on job burnout, and then they perform regression analysis by collecting two waves
of data from full-time employees in Taiwan. Their results indicate that workaholism
is positively related to job burnout, and work engagement is negatively related to job
burnout. Additionally, health promotion attenuates the positive effect of workaholism on
job burnout; psychological capital strengthens the negative effect of workaholism on job
The one article in the field of strategy/technology management by Shiu investigates
the new product development performance of 11 smartphone manufacturers in a total
of 10 generation transitions from Éclair Android 2.1 to Android 10.0 in the Android
ecosystem of Google. This research supplements earlier studies in the discussions about
the ambidexterity of complementors and the performance of new product development in
the platform-based ecosystem theory. In this study, author shows that both the exploitative
learning in the old generation and the explorative learning in the new generation of
Android operating systems have effectively improved smartphone manufacturers’ new
product developments. In addition, the higher the degree of exploitative learning in the old
generation, the more effective it is to increase the positive impact of explorative learning
in the new generation on the smartphone manufacturers’ new product development
The one article in the field of marketing management by Chang, Chen, and Chang
proposes that the effect of victim number is subject to cause acuteness and individual
differences in self-construal. In order to test their hypotheses, three experiments are
conducted. While Studies 1 and 3 both set in the non-profit context, Study 2 focuses