Page 5 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 5
Editor’s Note
In recent years, NTU Management Review has been proactively promoting research
capacity through initiating and encouraging paper submission from management academia
and practice in a variety of fields while engaging in improving the overall reviewing
quality of our referees.
To appreciate those who have been dedicated to academic services, NTU Management
Review will hold “NTU Management Review Best Reviewer Award” from 2022. Based
on the reviewing records of each reviewer held within two years (2020-2021), the award
committee will pick out two awardees in terms of the quality of written comments, as well
as whether the reviews are provided in a timely manner. Every year, each awardee is going
to be presented a trophy in public to honor his or her academic contribution.
NTU Management Review places a high value on interdisciplinary research
as well as collaboration. The Board of Editors wholeheartedly welcome our three
distinguished Area Editors. The first is Professor Nien-Chi Liu(ᄎׂ), an excellent
scholar of the Department of Business Administration in College of Management,
National Taiwan University. She excels in the research fields of strategic human resource
management and organizational diagnosis and change.
Another one is Professor Ying-Ching Lin(؍ڡ), an excellent scholar in College
of Communication, National Chengchi University. She excels in the following research
fields: marketing management, consumer behavior, advertising, research methods, and
experimental design.
The other one is Professor Rua-Huan Tsaih(ᇹ), an excellent scholar of the
Department of Management Information Systems in College of Commerce, National
Chengchi University. He excels in the following research fields: artificial neural networks,
IT-enabled service, service innovation, and FinTech.
Moreover, we offer our special thanks to Dr. Samuel Yin, President of Ruentex
Financial Group, who partially sponsors NTU Management Review by way of Yin-Xun-
Ruo Educational Foundation, supporting our journal to continuously publish distinguished
As always, our appreciation goes out to the Research Institute for the Humanities and
Social Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan(Б݁৫߅Ҧɛ