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Supply Chain Management. Next, Professor Shu-Kai Fan from National Taipei University
of Technology shared his insights under the topic of AI Transformation for Data Analytics
in Industry.
We hope the conference has laid the foundation for close exchanges and maintaining
a diverse platform for academic research on the field of science and technology
Next year, the Chulalongkorn Business School (CBS), the National Taipei University
of Business (NTUB), and the College of Management at National Taiwan University
(NTU) will co-host the “2025 Management Theory and Practice Conference: Emerging
Trends in the Utilization of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data” in Bangkok on 28th of
February and 1st of March. We have received approximately 80 research papers from
China, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, the United States, and France. We value the enthusiastic
involvement of outstanding researchers and hope to gather a variety of perspectives to
foster more in-depth discussions on management issues, with an emphasis on artificial
intelligence and big data.
As always, our appreciation goes out to the Research Institute for the Humanities and
Social Sciences, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan(行政院國
家科學及技術委員會人文社會科學研究中心)for sponsoring our editorial personnel,
who have been providing invaluable assistance to the conferences, the workshops, and the
publication, and for subsidizing of open access and digital spread.
In this issue, NTU Management Review presents a collection of research papers fo-
cused on the topic of Case study on Digital Transformation and Value Creation. By explor-
ing the complex challenges that enterprises encounter during their digital transformation
journeys, this publication aims to help Taiwan’s industries deepen their insights into digital
transformation and its potential for value creation.
Introduction of this Edition
The following is a brief introduction to each article published in this edition. The first
article of this edition titled “Divestiture from China by Taiwanese Listed Electronic In-
formation Firms: Effects of Host Country Performance and Selection Bias” in the field of
strategy and technology management by Tseng, Lai, and Kao explores the effect of invest-
ment performance in China on companies’ decisions of divesting from China (2016-2020)
by applying behavioral theory and prospect theory and collecting 2,530 observations re-
garding 506 Taiwanese listed electronic information companies. Using two-stage method