
199 NTU Management Review Vol. 31 No. 3 Dec. 2021 Items Factor Loading Cronbach’s Alpha CR AVE Relational Value 0.84 0.84 0.63 1. I build a better relationship with this retailer. 0.81 2. This retailer makes the service interaction more enjoyable. 0.78 3. I connect better with this retailer. 0.79 Online Satisfaction 0.93 0.93 0.76 1. I am satisfied with this retailer’s online channel. 0.90 2. My choice to use this retailer’s online channel is a wise one 0.89 3. This retailer’s online channel does a good job of satisfying my needs 0.87 4. I am satisfied with the product of this retailer’s online channel. 0.83 Offline Satisfaction 0.89 0.89 0.68 1. I am satisfied with this retailer’s offline channel. 0.84 2. I am satisfied with the products provided by this retailer’s offline channel. 0.84 3. This retailer’s offline channel is a good one to do business with. 0.85 4. Th i s r e t a i l e r ’ s o f f l i ne channe l mee t s my expectations. 0.75 Online Loyalty 0.87 0.87 0.63 1. I will purchase from this retailer’s online channel in the future. 0.80 2. I will revisit this retailer’s online channel more often. 0.77 3. I will say positive things about this retailer’s online channel to other. 0.81 4. I believe this is my favorite online retailer to buy the same kind of product. 0.80