
198 Managing Multichannel Integration, Designing Perceived Affordances, and Developing Customer Relationship in the Online and Offline Retailing Appendix: Scale Items Items Factor Loading Cronbach’s Alpha CR AVE Multichannel Integration 0.86 0.90 0.60 1. This retailer provides consistent store images between the two online and offline channels. 0.77 2. This retailer provides consistent customer services between the two online and offline channels. 0.82 3. This retailer allows me to choose where to shop for products. 0.85 4. This retailer allows me to choose a way of returning the products. 0.80 5. It is good to visit the offline channel to browse the products after I find the product information from the online channel. 0.70 6. It is good to physically examine the products in this retailer’s offline channel once I find the information about the products from the online channel. 0.70 Perceived Affordances 0.86 0.89 0.63 1. This retailer allows comprehensive evaluation of the product/service. 0.82 2. I feel that I have a lot of control over my experience with this retailer. 0.86 3. This retailer gives customers the opportunity to respond to it. 0.72 4. I am able to get information from retailer very rapidly. 0.79 5. This retai ler provides me wi th informat ion according to my preferences. 0.74 Economic Value 0.82 0.86 0.68 1. This retailer offers higher quality services. 0.86 2. This retailer offers more customized services. 0.76 3. This retailer provides more professional services. 0.84