臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.3

222 Call for Papers The conference is also featured by: One Banquet at Sunset Beach Resort (西子灣沙灘會館 ) http://www.seasbay.com.tw/ feast/ Concurrent paper presentation sessions Two luncheons and Coffee breaks 【 Best Paper Award 】 One paper will be selected for this award with a prize of NTD24,000 (USD800). The recipient is obligated to submit the award-winning paper to NTU Management Review or Sun Yat-Sen Management Review following our recommendation. 【 Excellent Paper Award 】 Three papers will be selected for this award with each receiving a prize of NTD12,000 (USD400). The recipients are obligated to submit their award-winning papers to NTU Management Review or Sun Yat-Sen Management Review following our recommendation. 【 Editor’s Choice Award 】 Ten papers will be selected for this award with each receiving a prize of NTD7,500 (USD250). The recipients are obligated to submit their award-winning papers to NTU Management Review or Sun Yat-Sen Management Review following our recommendation. 【 Registration 】 ‧ Registration Fee: NTD4,000 ‧ Payment Method: Visa/MasterCard ‧ Registration and Fee Payment Deadline: January 20 th , 2021 ‧ Registration Website: https://mcac2021.conf.tw ‧ Conference Package Includes: concurrent sessions, two luncheons and coffee breaks 【 Contact Us 】 NTU Management Review Tel: +886-2-3366-1026 Fax: +886-2-2363-5658 E-mail: ntupmcenter@ntu.edu.tw Sun Yat-Sen Management Review Tel: +886-7-525-2000 Ext.4526 Fax: +886-7-525-4599 E-mail: mgtReview@cm.nsysu.edu.tw