臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.3

207 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 3 Dec. 2020 is 33%, less than half of the total explained variance (68%), which suggests that the common method variance does not cause any serious problem. 5. Contribution The study raises some discussion-worthy issues and indicates their practical implications. First, this study observes the issues from the perspective of SEO workers and embraces the concepts of the JCM and “job crafting” design, in place of the JCM alone originally. Despite its rather reserved perspective, this study still offers a portrait of SEO workers from a perspective blending “job crafting” and job characteristics. Although based on the JCM framework, our paper have some major differences compared with prior studies: (1) reconstructed job characteristics have covered the overall validity of the service targets of SEO workers, on top of the work aspects of workers, which are conducive to the attainment of the objectives of their jobs (e.g., task conduciveness and problem solving); (2) the contributions still inherit the spirit of job crafting, which stresses the challenges and changes of existing job requirements, such as the control of work progress by workers (task utility). Workers often break the confinements of existing job frameworks and take on multiple job goals, which involves innovation/flexibility and skill specialization. Second, the study supports the hypothesis of the JCM that job characteristics can prime a psychological state. However, in the process of conducting the qualitative interviews, we find that the interviewees are aware of the high job stress from the job characteristics of SEO jobs. As a result, SEO job characteristics can prime stress perceptions, on top of generating positive meaningfulness of work. This finding is at odds with the original hypothesis of positive psychological states for the JCM. Our findings can thus remind SEO managers to notice the psychological ststes of individuals in the face of different perceived criteria, which consist not only just of the experienced meaningfulness of work (enthusiasm) but also of exhaustion (perceived job stress).