臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.3

177 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 3 Dec. 2020 References 尤隨樺與張武鈞, 2014 ,社會網絡特性與創新績效之關係:網絡規模與網絡結構之 影響, 會計評論 , 58 卷: 101-132 。 (Yu, Sui-Hua, and Chang, Wu-Jun. 2014. Characteristics of social networks and innovation performance: Influences of network size and structure. Journal of Accounting Review , 58: 101-132.) 紀信義、翁慈青、廖芝嫻與黃馨儀, 2017 ,董事及高階主管政治連結與公司績效之 關聯性, 臺大管理論叢 , 27 卷 2 期: 1-33 。 (Chi, Hsin-Yi, Weng, Tzu- Ching, Liao, Chih-Hsien, and Huang, Hsin-Yi. 2017. Political connection and firm performance. NTU Management Review , 27 (2): 1-33.) 許恩得與陳德茂, 2012 ,社會網絡與企業經營績效, 會計評論 , 55 卷: 119-145 。 (Hsu, En-Te, and Chen, Der-Mo. 2012. Social network and firm performance, Journal of Accounting Review , 55: 119-145.) 曾昭玲與卓佳蓁, 2011 ,企業融資決策與經濟附加價值之關聯性研究-以台灣半導 體產業為例, 會計評論 , 53 卷: 35-73 。 (Tseng, Jauling, and Cho, Chia- Chen. 2011. The relationship of financing policies and economic value added in Taiwan semiconductor industry. Journal of Accounting Review , 53: 35-73.) 楊朝旭, 2008 ,集團多角化對研發外溢調節效果之研究, 會計評論 , 46 卷: 31-65 。 (Young, Chaur-Shiuh. 2008. The moderating effect of group diversification on R&D spillovers. Journal of Accounting Review , 46: 31-65.) Baron, R. M., and Kenny, D. A. 1986. The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 51 (6): 1173- 1182. Benner, M. J., and Tushman, M. L. 2003. Exploitation, exploration, and process management: The productivity dilemma revisited. Academy of Management Review , 28 (2): 238-256. Bierly III, P. E., Damanpour, F., and Santoro, M. D. 2009. The application of external knowledge: Organizational conditions for exploration and exploitation. Journal of Management Studies , 46 (3): 481-509. Bourdieu, P. 1986. The forms of capital. In Richardson, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education : 241-258. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.