臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.3

139 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 3 Dec. 2020 鄧景宜、黃翰忠與陳貞菱, 2015 ,線上遊戲使用者間的社會網絡與持續使用意圖, 臺大管理論叢 , 25 卷 2 期: 1-22 。 (Teng, Ching-I, Huang, Han-Chung, and Chen, Jen-Lin. 2015. Social networking and continuance intention among online gamers. NTU Management Review , 25 (2): 1-22.) 鄭尹惠、高登第、莊世杰與陳淑惠, 2013 ,調節焦點對消費者從眾行為影響, 臺大 管理論叢 , 24 卷 1 期: 207-232 。 (Cheng, Yin-Hui, Kao, Danny T., Chuang, Shih-Chieh, and Chen, Shu-Hui. 2013. The effect of regulatory focus on conformity behavior. NTU Management Review , 24 (1): 207-232.) 顏理謙, 2017 , 電玩調查:台灣遊戲市場收入動能強,超過亞洲整體表現 , https:// www.bnext.com.tw/article/45491/yahoo-research-on-gaming-industry , 搜尋日 期: 2018 年 6 月 8 日。 (Yen, Li-Chien. 2017. Global games market report: The revenue of Taiwan games market is greater than that of the whole Asia. https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/45491/yahoo-research-on-gaming-industry. Accessed Jun. 8, 2018.) Agarwal, R., and Karahanna, E. 2000. Time flies when you’re having fun: Cognitive absorption and beliefs about information technology usage. MIS Quarterly, 24 (4): 665-694. Barwise, P., and Strong, C. 2002. Permission-based mobile advertising. Journal of Interactive Marketing , 16 (1): 14-24. Berlyne, D. E. 1954. A theory of human curiosity. British Journal of Psychology, 45 (3): 180-191. Carroll, A., Barnes, S. J., Scornavacca, E., and Fletcher, K. 2007. Consumer perceptions and attitudes towards SMS advertising: Recent evidence from New Zealand.  International Journal of Advertising , 26 (1): 79-98. Chang, Y., Yan, J., Zhang, J., and Luo, J. 2010. Online in-game advertising effect: Examining the influence of a match between games and advertising. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 11 (1): 63-73. Chartboost. 2016. Mobile game developers that are winning with video ads. https://www. chartboost.com/blog/how-4-mobile-game-developers-are-winning-at-rewarded- video-ad-placement/. Accessed Jun. 13, 2018. Chou, H. Y., and Lien, N. H. 2014. Effects of SMS teaser ads on product curiosity. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 12 (4): 328-345.