臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.3

Effects of the Types and Contents of Video Advertisements in Mobile Games 138 References Mia , 2017 , 什麼樣的廣告讓手機 APP 用戶欲罷不能?獎勵型影音廣告崛起的秘密 , https://www.inside.com.tw/2017/04/18/viidle-ssp , 搜尋日期: 2018 年 7 月 10 日。 (Mia. 2017. What types of advertisements can make mobile app users hardly refrain from carrying on watching? The secret of the rise of reward- based video advertisements. https://www.inside.com.tw/2017/04/18/viidle-ssp. Accessed Jul. 10, 2018.) 周軒逸與練乃華, 2012 ,當簡訊遇上前導:品牌熟悉度、互動性、個人化、誘因之 好奇效果, 臺大管理論叢 , 23 卷 1 期: 239-267 。 (Chou, Hsuan-Yi, and Lien, Nai-Hwa. 2012. When mobile SMS meets teaser: The curious effects of brand familiarity, interactivity, personalization, and incentives. NTU Management Review , 23 (1): 239-267.) , 2016 ,品牌、代言人熟悉度於前導廣告效果之探討, 管理評論 , 35 卷 4 期: 1-29 。 (Chou, Hsuan-Yi, and Lien, Nai-Hwa. 2016. Effects of brand and spokesperson familiarity in teaser ads. Management Review , 35 (4): 1-29.) 梁直青、陳柏亘、陳建勛、蕭名傑與林雅萍, 2014 ,排隊隊形與人數影響消費者等 候意願之探究─以虎尾鎮知名路邊攤小吃為例, 行銷評論 , 11 卷 4 期: 309-339 。 (Liang, Chih-Chin, Chen, Po-Hsuan, Chen, Jian-Syun, Xiao, Ming- Chieh, and Lin, Ya-Ping. 2014. The shape of queue and the number of waiting people affecting customer willingness to queue. Marketing Review , 11 (4): 309- 339.) 黃世民, 2011 , 以行動通訊做為廣告媒體的創新經營模式─以獎勵式行動廣告及適 地性行動廣告為例 ,國立政治大學企業管理研究所未出版之碩士論文,台 北,台灣。 (Huang, Shih-Ming. 2011. Mobile communication as an advertising media-cases studies on award-type mobile advertising and location-based mobile advertising . Unpublished master ’ s thesis, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.) 劉惠琴, 2018 , 果粉真的變心了?市調數據分析: Android 用戶全球市佔增多 , http://3c.ltn.com.tw/news/33067 ,搜尋日期: 2018 年 6 月 8 日。 (Liu, Whei- Ching. 2018. Do the Apple fans change their mind? The market data analysis reveals that Android increases global market share. http://3c.ltn.com.tw/ news/33067. Accessed Jun. 8, 2018.)