臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

The Relationship between Shared Audit Opinions and the Audit Quality of Group Enterprises’ Financial Statements – Based on the Audit Adjustment 68 Lennox, C. S., Wu, X., and Zhang, T. 2014. Does mandatory rotation of audit partners improve audit quality?. The Accounting Review , 89 (5): 1775-1803. . 2016. The effect of audit adjustments on earnings quality: Evidence from China. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 61 (2-3): 545-562. Li, C. 2009. Does client importance affect auditor independence at the office level? Empirical evidence from going-concern opinions. Contemporary Accounting Research , 26 (1): 201-230. Lys, T., and Watts, R. L. 1994. Lawsuits against auditors. Journal of Accounting Research , 32: 65-93. Lyubimov, A. 2011. Accepting full responsibility in the audit opinion: Implications for audit quality . Working paper . Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida. Petersen, M. A. 2009. Estimating standard errors in finance panel data sets: Comparing approaches. The Review of Financial Studies , 22 (1): 435-480. Reynolds, J. K., and Francis, J. R. 2000. Does size matter? The influence of large clients on office-level auditor reporting decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 30 (3): 375-400. Sharma, V. D., Sharma, D. S., and Ananthanarayanan, U. 2011. Client importance and earnings management: The moderating role of audit committees. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 30 (3): 125-156. Stice, J. D. 1991. Using financial and market information to identify pre-engagement factors associated with lawsuits against auditors. The Accounting Review , 66 (3): 516-533. Trompeter, G. 1994. The effect of partner compensation schemes and generally accepted accounting principles on audit partner judgment. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 13 (2): 56-68. Wallman, S. M. H. 1996. The future of accounting, part III: Reliability and auditor independence. Accounting Horizons , 10 (4): 76-97. Wilson, T. E., and Grimlund, R. A. 1990. An examination of the importance of an auditor’s reputation. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 9 (2): 43-59. Zerni, M., Kallunki, J. P., and Nilsson, H. 2010. The entrenchment problem, corporate governance mechanisms, and firm value. Contemporary Accounting Research , 27 (4): 1169-1206.