臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

341 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 2 Aug. 2020 submission fee (NT$3,000 or US$100) is needed. 【 NTU Management Review Style Guide 】 1. All submissions should conform to the editorial guidelines and formats of NTU Ma n a g eme n t Re v i ew ( h t t p : / / r e v i ew. ma n a g eme n t . n t u . e d u . t w / p a g e . aspx?pid=24&lang=en) . The reviewing process follows the criteria of NTU Management Review which include: significance of the topic, relevant literature, research questions, purpose, methodology, and quality of analysis or coherence of argument. For further information, please visit our website at http://mtpc2021.conf . tw. 2. Manuscripts should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spaced throughout (including the abstract, texts, references, appendices, tables, and figures...etc.). As reviewers often prefer to write notes on the manuscripts, authors should use one inch (2.54 centimeters) margins. All pages, including tables, figures, appendices, and references should be serially numbered at the end of the article. Manuscript length should be limited to 50 pages including references, appendices, tables, and figures. 【 Best Paper Award 】 One paper will be selected for this award with a prize of US$800. The recipient is obligated to submit the award-winning paper to NTU Management Review . 【 Excellent Paper Award 】 Three papers will be selected for this award with each receiving a prize of US$400. The recipients are obligated to submit their award-winning papers to NTU Management Review . 【 Recommended Paper Award 】 Ten papers will be selected for this award with each receiving a prize of US$250. The recipients are obligated to submit their award-winning papers to NTU Management Review . 【 Registration 】 ‧ Registration Fee: NT$7,500 or US$250 (We do not accept other foreign currencies) ‧ Payment Method: Visa/MasterCard ‧ Registration and Fee Payment Deadline: January 10 th , 2021 ‧ Registration Website: https://mtpc2021.conf.tw