臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

303 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 2 Aug. 2020 Clarkson, P. M., Li, Y., Richardson, G. D., and Vasvari, F. P. 2008. Revisiting the relation between environmental performance and environmental disclosure: An empirical analysis. Accounting, Organizations and Society , 33 (4-5): 303-327. Copeland, T. E., and Galai, D. 1983. Information effects on the bid-ask spread. The Journal of Finance , 38 (5): 1457-1469. Core, J. E., Guay, W. R., and Verdi, R. 2008. Is accruals quality a priced risk factor?. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 46: 2-22. Daske, H. 2006. Economic benefits of adopting IFRS or US-GAAP-have the expected cost of equity capital really decreased?. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting , 33 (3-4): 329-373. Demsetz, H. 1968. The cost of transacting. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , 82 (1): 33-53. Dhaliwal, D. S., Li, O. Z., Tsang, A., and Yang, Y. G. 2011. Voluntary nonfinancial disclosure and the cost of equity capital: The initiation of corporate social responsibility reporting. The Accounting Review , 86 (1): 59-100. Downing, P. R. 1997. Governing for stakeholders. Corporate Board , 18 (107): 13-17. El Ghoul, S., Guedhami, O., Kwok, C. C. Y., and Mishra, D. R. 2011. Does corporate social responsibility affect the cost of capital?. Journal of Banking & Finance , 35: 2388-2406. Fama, E. F., and French, K. R. 1993. Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of Financial Economics , 33 (1): 3-56. Feng, Z. Y., Wang, M. L., and Huang, H. W. 2015. Equity financing and social responsibility: Further international evidence. The International Journal of Accounting , 50 (3): 247-280. Fernandes, N., and Ferreira, M. A. 2008. Does international cross-listing improve the information environment?. Journal of Financial Economics , 88: 216-244. . 2009. Insider trading laws and stock price informativeness. Review of Financial Studies , 22: 1845-1887. Francis, J., LaFond, R., Olsson, P., and Schipper, K. 2005. The market pricing of accruals quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 39: 295-327. Frooman, J. 1997. Socially irresponsible and illegal behavior and shareholder wealth: A meta-analysis of event studies. Business and Society , 36 (3): 221-249.