臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

The Effect of the Dual-Signature Requirement on Audit Quality 30 References 立法院公報處, 2010 , 院會紀錄 , 立法院公報 , 99 卷 46 期: 350 。 (Legislative Yuan, Offical Gazette Department. 2010. Yuan Sittings records. Legislative Yuan’s Gazette , 99 (46): 350.) 李建然與林秀鳳, 2005 ,會計師任期與異常應計數之關聯性研究, 管理評論 , 24 卷 4 期: 103-126 。 (Lee, Jan-Zan, and Lin, Hsiu-Feng. 2005. The relations between auditor tenure and abnormal accrual. Management Review , 24 (4): 103- 126. doi: 10.6656/MR.2005.24.4.CHI.103) 林孝倫與林嬋娟, 2016 ,亞洲地區審計品質研究回顧, 臺大管理論叢 , 27 卷 1 期: 305-362 。 (Lin, Hsiao-Lun, and Lin, Chan-Jane. 2016. Review of studies on audit quality in Asia. NTU Management Review , 27 (1): 305-362. doi:10.6226/ NTUMR.2016.AUG.25104-004) 周玲臺、王雅芳與林家駿, 2017 ,財務報表重編與審計公費, 會計評論 , 65 期: 83-116 。 (Chou, Ling-Tai Lynette, Wang, Ya-Fang, and Lin, Chia-Chun. 2017. Financial restatements and audit fees. Journal of Accounting Review , 65: 83-116. doi: 10.6652/JOAR.2017.65.3) 徐谷楨, 2010 ,四大會計師公會聯手推動廢除雙簽制, 經濟日報 , 3 月 28 日: A12 版。 (Xu, Gu-Zhen. 2010. Four CPA Associations of ROC promote abolishing dual- signature system. Economic Daily News , March 28: A12.) 張益民, 1996 , 公開發行公司會計師雙簽制度與審計風險關連性之研究 ,國立政治 大學會計研究所未出版之碩士論文,臺北,臺灣。 (Chang, I-Min. 1996. The impact of audit risk on the extent of the second partner review in public engagement in Taiwan . Unpublished master ’ s thesis of Department of Accounting, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.) 陳慧玲、張瑀珊與顏信輝, 2012 ,會計師查核報告簽章方式之探討 : 司法與證券監 理人員之看法, 會計審計論叢 , 2 卷 1 期: 1-30 。 (Chen, Huei-Ling, Chang, Yu-Shan, and Yen, Sin-Hui. 2012. Investigating audit partner signature styles on audit reports: Perspectives from judiciary practitioners and securities agents. Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies , 2 (1): 1-30. doi: 10.30142/ RAAS.201206.0001) 陳懷瑜, 2010 ,廢除財報雙簽,證期局表示會研議, 工商時報 , 3 月 31 日: A16 版。 (Chen, Huai-Yu. 2010. The Financial Supervisory Commission examines to abolish dual-signature system. Commercial Times , March 31: A16.)