臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

Do Government Initiatives and Reasons for Auditor-Client Realignment Influence Audit Fees and Audit Quality? Evidence from China 254 Eichenseher, J. W., Hagigi, M., and Shields, D. 1989. Market reaction to auditor changes by OTC companies. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 9 (1): 29-40. Francis, J. R., and Wang, D. 2005. Impact of the SEC’s public fee disclosure requirement on subsequent period fees and implications for market efficiency. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 24 (supplement 1): 145-160. Griffin, P. A., and Lont, D. H. 2010. Do investors care about auditor dismissals and resignations? What drives the response?. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 29 (2): 189-214. Hackenbrack, K. E., and Hogan, C. E. 2002. Market responses to earnings surprises conditional on reasons for an auditor change. Contemporary Accounting Research , 19 (2): 195-223. Harford, J. 2005. What drives merger waves?. Journal of Financial Economics , 77 (3): 529-560. He, K., Pan, X., and Tian, G. 2017. Legal liability, government intervention, and auditor behavior: Evidence from structural reform of audit firms in China. European Accounting Review , 26 (1): 61-95. Healy, P., and Lys, T. 1986. Auditor changes following Big Eight mergers with Non-Big Eight audit firms. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy , 5 (4): 251-265. Hsu, E., and Wang, T. 2009. Audit fee floor and audit quality. NTU Management Review , 20 (1): 261-288. Huang, H. W., Raghunandan, K., Huang, T. C., and Chiou, J. R. 2015. Fee discounting and audit quality following audit firm and audit partner changes: Chinese evidence. The Accounting Review , 90 (4): 1517-1546. Huang, T. C., Chang, H., and Chiou, J. R. 2016. Audit market concentration, audit fees, and audit quality: Evidence from China. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 35 (2): 121-145. Johnson, W. B., and Lys, T. 1990. The market for audit services: Evidence from voluntary auditor changes. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 12 (1-3): 281-308. Kim, J. B., Liu, X., and Zheng, L. 2012. The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on audit fees: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review , 87 (6): 2061-2094. Landsman, W. R., Nelson, K. K., and Rountree, B. R. 2009. Auditor switches in the pre- and post-Enron eras: Risk or realignment?. The Accounting Review , 84 (2): 531- 558.