臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

253 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 2 Aug. 2020 References Aldhizer, G. R., Martin, D. R., and Cotter, J. F. 2009. Do markets react to required and voluntary disclosures associated with auditor realignments?. Advances in Accounting , 25 (1): 1-12. Bedingfield, J. P., and Loeb, S. E. 1974. Auditor changes: An examination. Journal of Accountancy , 137 (3): 66-69. Burton, J. C., and Roberts, W. 1967. A study of auditor changes. Journal of Accountancy , 123 (4): 31-36. Calderon, T. G., and Ofobike, E. 2007. Determinants of client-initiated and auditor- initiated auditor changes. Managerial Auditing Journal , 23 (1): 4-25. Carpenter, C. G., and Strawser, R. H. 1971. Displacement of auditors when clients go public. Journal of Accountancy , 131 (6): 55-58. Cassell, C. A., Giroux, G. A., Myers, L. A., and Omer, T. C. 2012. The effect of corporate governance on auditor-client realignments. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 31 (2): 167-188. Chan, K. H., Lin, K. Z., and Mo, P. L. L. 2006. A political-economic analysis of auditor reporting and auditor switches. Review of Accounting Studies , 11 (1): 21-48. Chan, K. H., Lin, K. Z., and Wong, B. 2010. The impact of government ownership and institutions on the reporting behavior of local auditors in China. Journal of International Accounting Research , 9 (2): 1-20. Chan, K. H., and Wu, D. 2011. Aggregate quasi rents and auditor independence: Evidence from audit firm mergers in China. Contemporary Accounting Research , 28 (1): 175-213. Chen, C. J. P., Chen, S., and Su, X. 2001. Profitability regulation, earnings management, and modified audit opinion: Evidence from China. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory , 20 (2): 9-30. Chen, D., Kim, J. B., Li, O. Z., and Liang, S. 2018. China’s closed pyramidal managerial labor market and the stock price crash risk. The Accounting Review , 93 (3): 105- 131. Chen, S., Sun, S. Y. J., and Wu, D. 2010. Client importance, institutional improvements, and audit quality in china: An office and individual auditor level analysis. The Accounting Review , 85 (1): 127-158. DeAngelo, L. E. 1981. Auditor size and audit quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 3 (3): 183-199.