臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

241 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 2 Aug. 2020 CPA ), and government-related ( REASON_GOV ). Similar to the analysis conducted in Section 4.2.2 to investigate the effect of government initiative on audit fees, we include the initiative ( POST_2007 ) as an independent variable. Table 7 E ff ects of Reasons for Auditor-Client Realignment and of the Governmental Initiative on Audit Quality (Level Model) Variable Coefficient p -value Intercept 6.220 0.002 REASON_CLIENT 0.299 0.427 REASON_CPA 1.177 <0.001 REASON_GOV -0.240 0.687 POST_2007 0.092 0.695 REASON_CLIENT × POST_2007 -0.532 0.239 REASON_CPA × POST_2007 -0.769 0.040 REASEONGOV × POST_2007 -0.420 0.603 LNTA -0.410 <0.001 QUICK 0.073 0.118 RECTA -0.972 0.224 INVTA -0.615 0.272 DA 1.465 <0.001 TURNOVER -0.136 0.462 ROA -1.509 0.193 LOSS 0.788 <0.001 ADJRETURN -0.443 0.007 BETA 0.226 0.440 STDRET 13.909 0.162 EM 0.237 0.186 CIFIRM 3.499 0.084 CICPA -0.636 0.459 EXPFIRM -0.174 0.637 EXPCPA 1.606 0.028 SIZEFIRM 0.000 0.598 SIZECPA -0.002 0.162 LMAO 1.404 <0.001 LEGALFORMLLP -0.188 0.622 LEGALFORMLLC -0.027 0.930 TOP10 -0.625 0.106 LOCAL -0.766 0.043