臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.2

The Benefits of Disclosing Internal Control Weaknesses: Evidence from Taiwanese Banks 206 Kim, J. B., Song, B. Y., and Zhang, L. 2011. Internal control weakness and bank loan contracting: Evidence from SOX Section 404 disclosures. The Accounting Review , 86 (4): 1157-1188. Klein, A. 2002. Audit committee, board of director characteristics, and earnings management. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 33 (3): 375-400. Laeven, L., and Levine, R. 2007. Is there a diversification discount in financial conglomerates?. Journal of Financial Economics , 85 (2): 331-367. Laksmana, I. 2008. Corporate board governance and voluntary disclosure of executive compensation practices. Contemporary Accounting Research , 25 (4): 1147- 1182. Larcker, D. F., Richardson, S. A., and Tuna, I. 2007. Corporate governance, accounting outcomes, and organizational performance. The Accounting Review , 82 (4): 963-1008. Lee, J. Z., Hsu, S. W., and Tang, L. F. 2008. The relation of internal audit quality and financial reporting quality. Fu Jen Management Review , 15 (3): 33-63. Lennox, C. S., Francis, J. R., and Wang, Z. 2012. Selection models in accounting research. The Accounting Review , 87 (2): 589-616. Li, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, Z., and Zheng, S. X. 2016. The effect of internal control weakness on firm valuation: Evidence from SOX Section 404 disclosures. Finance Research Letters , 17: 17-24. Liao, Y. P., and Lee, T. K. 2017. Valuation implication of information technology expenditures in the banking industry. NTU Management Review , 27 (2): 35-56. Lin, K. L., Chang, Y. C., and Wu, Michael T. C. 2014. Does banking diversification improve bank risk taking: International evidence. Taiwan Banking and Finance Quarterly , 2 (4): 1-29. Liu, J. C. 2008. The impact of bank concentration on profitability and risk in Taiwan’s banking industry. Taiwan Economic Review , 36 (3): 327-355. Mehran, H. 1995. Executive compensation structure, ownership, and firm performance. Journal of Financial Economics , 38 (2): 163-184. Morck, R., Shleifer, A., and Vishny, R. W. 1988. Management ownership and market valuation: An empirical analysis. Journal of Financial Economics , 20: 293-315. Ogneva, M., Subramanyam, K. R., and Raghunandan, K. 2007. Internal control weakness and cost of equity: Evidence from SOX Section 404 disclosures. The Accounting Review , 82 (5): 1255-1297.